Employee Mental Health: The New WHO Guidelines

Mental health and well-being are of paramount importance in the modern workplace. A growing body of evidence reveals the significant impact on productivity, workplace relationships, and overall employee satisfaction.

As our understanding of collaborators’ psychology evolves, international firms such as the World Health Organization (WHO) have stepped in to establish guidelines and provide direction in addressing these critical issues.

The WHO, as the global authority on public health, recognizes the intrinsic connection between mental health and workplace performance. In response to these concerns, they have implemented new laws and guidelines focusing on health and wellness in the workplace.

The intent of these legal and policy frameworks is to promote comprehensive strategies for employers to implement effective practices while also addressing the needs of workers experiencing mental issues.

This article aims to provide an overview of the new WHO laws and guidelines pertaining to these subjects, examine their implications, and discuss potential compliance measures. The main focus will be on the responsibility of adhering to these legal frameworks and the potential consequences of non-compliance.

Furthermore, we will explore successful workplace interventions, the role of human resources in implementing and tracking such initiatives, and the resources available to organizations seeking to prioritize mental health.

New WHO Laws And Guidelines Related To Mental Health

Here are the main laws and guidelines from the WHO.

Mental Health Action Plan

The WHO’s Action Plan (2013-2020) is a comprehensive blueprint designed to strengthen global responses and deeply review the issues in work activities.

It establishes key objectives and targets regarding the promotion, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders, with a focus on creating healthier work environments. Institutions are encouraged to integrate health policies and interventions into their operations to improve overall satisfaction.

Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace

WHO guidelines emphasize the importance of promoting mental health in the workplace. These recommendations address various workplace practices, such as communication, workload management, and resources for dealing with health challenges.

The guidelines stress the importance of a collaborative approach between employers, collaborators, and relevant stakeholders to develop, implement, and evaluate comprehensive policies in alignment with national and international standards.

Burnout as an Occupational Phenomenon

In 2019, the WHO formally recognized burnout as an occupational phenomenon in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).

This classification legitimizes the need for firms to address work-related stress and burnout, highlighting the long-term impact on performance, satisfaction, and overall health. Including burnout in the ICD-11 underscores the significance of creating supportive workplace conditions and providing resources for burnout prevention and recovery.

Implementing WHO Guidelines

To effectively adopt these new WHO laws and guidelines, companies must conduct thorough assessments of their workplace culture, policies, and practices. They should identify the specific needs of their colleagues, address mental stigma, and invest in resources to promote a new way of working in the workplace.

Additionally, there is the need to continuously monitor and evaluate the efficacy of these policies and interventions to ensure their alignment with WHO guidelines.

Consequences Of New Laws For Organizations

Here are some areas organizations need to consider when they adhere to the new laws.

Compliance: Adapting to New Legal Frameworks and Development of Mental Policies and Programs

Companies must adapt their policies and procedures to comply with new legal frameworks established by the WHO guidelines. This requires a comprehensive review of current workplace policies, practices, and culture to evaluate potential gaps and areas for improvement. Firms must develop targeted health policies and programs that address employee needs while promoting stress reduction and a suitable work-life balance.

Managerial Approaches: Training for Well-being, Emphasizing Leadership and Support

Effective management is crucial to promoting health in the workplace. Managers require training in order to recognize early signs of issues, provide appropriate support, and cultivate a safe environment to discuss their concerns. Leadership support is essential for fostering awareness and driving positive changes in the internal culture.

Culture: Importance of an Inclusive, Supportive Environment and Commitment to Reducing Stigma

Companies must create an inclusive and supportive workplace culture that values mental health. The stigma remains a barrier to seeking help, resulting in many workers suffering in silence or continuing to work in detrimental conditions, which ultimately affects their performance.

By actively working to dismantle stigma through awareness campaigns, open dialogue, and education, companies will enable a holistic approach to health, including both physical and mental well-being.

Workplace Interventions

Here are some of the interventions that can be introduced in the workplace.

Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Assistance Programs (EAPs) are an essential resource to help these collaborators cope with personal and work-related issues that may impact their well-being. By providing confidential counseling, referrals, and other support services, EAPs can contribute to a healthier, more balanced workforce. By investing in EAPs, you can market them appropriately and encourage their use to address mental health concerns.

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Techniques

Incorporating mindfulness and stress reduction practices into the workplace can promote resilience. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, and deep-breathing exercises can help with stress and maintain focus. Institutions of every industry should consider offering workshops, providing resources, and creating designated spaces for every stakeholder to engage in mindfulness activities.

Flexible Working Hours and Remote Work

Offering flexibility in work arrangements, such as flexible working hours and remote work options, can alleviate work-related stress and improve mental health. Adaptability in work schedules enables employees to manage their personal and professional lives more effectively, reducing burnout and fostering a healthier work-life balance. Organizations can review current policies and consider implementing or refining flexible work options.

Workplace Design for Better Mental Health

Organizations should consider implementing design elements such as ergonomic furniture, natural lighting, green spaces, and noise reduction measures to create a more comfortable and mentally stimulating environment. Additionally, providing spaces for relaxation, breaks, or social interaction can help recharge and maintain productivity, improving satisfaction, retention, and overall performance. 

Legal Implications For Non-Compliance

Here are the legal implications that organizations might face from non-compliance.

Legal Penalties

Failing to comply with the WHO laws and guidelines may result in organizations facing legal penalties, including fines and sanctions. Non-compliance can not only result in financial consequences but also damage the reputation and credibility of stakeholders, workers, and the public.

Negative Effects on Employer Brand and Employee Retention

Non-compliance can create a negative employer brand, deterring potential talent from joining and leading to high turnover rates among current colleagues. A company that does not prioritize these aspects may experience a decrease in overall satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty, directly impacting its success and sustainability.

Potential Litigation and Lawsuits

Failing to adhere to the WHO’s guidelines may expose companies to potential litigation and lawsuits from employees. Settlements and legal fees can be costly, and protracted legal battles can further damage finances, making compliance with mental health laws and guidelines a crucial business priority.

Assessing The Outcomes Of The New Laws

Organizations must continue to assess the initiatives they put in place in the workplace.

Measurement and Tracking of Health Initiatives

Regular assessment of these initiatives is crucial to ensure their effectiveness and alignment with the established WHO guidelines. Companies should implement tracking measures, such as internal surveys, feedback sessions, and performance evaluations, to monitor the impact of mental health policies on employee well-being and overall workplace culture.

Role of Human Resources in Implementation

Human resources (HR) plays a pivotal role in the implementation of mental health initiatives in alignment with WHO guidelines. HR professionals are responsible for creating context-specific policies, overseeing their incorporation into the internal culture, and providing support to employees seeking assistance. They also ensure these programs remain compliant with evolving laws and regulations.


In conclusion, the new WHO laws and guidelines pertaining to mental health underscore the need for businesses to foster mental issues disclosure in the workplace.

By adhering to these guidelines and implementing proactive measures, companies can create inclusive, supportive environments that foster these actions and reduce stigma. Strategies discussed include EAPs, mindfulness techniques, flexible work arrangements, and workplace design principles.

The Future of Health in the Workplace

As advances in research and understanding continue to shape mental health discussions, firms must adapt to evolving needs, expectations, and legal requirements. Businesses that prioritize colleagues can attract and retain talent, maintain a competitive edge, and improve overall performance.

The future of the workplace will likely involve ongoing dialogue, increased awareness, and continuous commitment to improvement, which ultimately benefits both parties.

Ongoing Dialogue and Development

Creating and maintaining effective policies require ongoing dialogue, collaboration, and development. Remaining informed about advancements in research and adapting their policies and procedures accordingly, striving to align with the WHO laws and guidelines related to mental health, must embrace a comprehensive, multi-dimensional approach to improve well-being.

By understanding the importance of these policies and investing in resources that support their workforce, businesses can foster a thriving work environment that benefits employees and the overall organization.

Lavanya Rathnam

Lavanya Rathnam is an experienced technology, finance, and compliance writer. She combines her keen understanding of regulatory frameworks and industry best practices with exemplary writing skills to communicate complex concepts of Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) in clear and accessible language. Lavanya specializes in creating informative and engaging content that educates and empowers readers to make informed decisions. She also works with different companies in the Web 3.0, blockchain, fintech, and EV industries to assess their products’ compliance with evolving regulations and standards.

Posted in HR Compliance

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