7 Things To Know About Compliance In Online Education

Compliance in online education became even more important as the majority of learners had to study remotely and follow unclear standards. What makes things relatively challenging is the lack of online regulations that comply with basic standards like the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). While the general purpose is to have all the information in one place, turning to what we have listed in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is essential as there is no need to provide personal information in certain cases. Once this aspect of data processing and privacy is understood, compliance in online education starts to make sense. 

#1 Educators Must Know Existing Standards

The problem with online education is that educators have to know what standards to follow and how to avoid existing risks. It is especially relevant with the younger learners where the parents do not turn to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the local privacy legislation. Therefore, educators often walk the thin line as they implement innovations and store personal data. As a solution and a way to approach compliance rules, it is always possible to read through existing legislation and compare things to the school rules. 

#2 Privacy Laws

Without a doubt, privacy has become the most widely-discussed issue in the field of online education. As the students implement their favorite apps or access LMS platforms via smartphones or social media accounts, it becomes a sensitive issue. At the same time, we face Zoom conferences and video streams that do not provide sufficient data protection. Taking a look at the existing online privacy laws shows that there are critical knowledge gaps and aspects not mentioned since online education was not expected to go global. Since the start of pandemic restrictions, legal advisors have faced an enormous amount of complaints, which is why existing compliance acts are usually addressed.

#3 Online Security Matters

Another crucial issue relates to security measures implemented by online schools, courses, or examination systems. While there may be strict security standards, most students and educators won’t be able to address profile breach issues or loss of data. As these matters are managed by IT teams, online security remains an on-demand problem, which means that if there are experts available at a certain school, students will remain safe. Nevertheless, students and educators can only contact technical specialists when a problem occurs and hope for a positive resolution. As a rule, time and privacy factors often become an issue! 

#4 Cloud-Based Storage

It is not only a matter of data distribution worldwide because cloud-based systems like Socrative will not store your personal information in the United States alone. While we have security listings and may invest in data access solutions, turning to cloud-based apps will always include certain risks. For example, when dealing with an online assignment, you may store it within your online storage space. It will mean that you may breach your privacy involuntarily. Likewise, when you require research paper help online, always learn how your online conversations will be stored and how payment data will be processed. 

#5 Accessibility Standards

First of all, think about Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the Disabilities Rights Act as these two compliance standards in the United States will be essential. No matter what digital solution you might use, always start with simple discussions and let both students and parents know about financial matters and additional expenses involved. For example, if you deal with remote areas or families with learning challenges or no Internet access, turn to the school’s academic advisors as we do not have compliance standards for every scenario. One may turn to various scholarships and volunteering specialists to find the way out as a solution. 

#6 Knowing The Compliance Registry Reports

One of the most important aspects is looking through the organizations listed within the compliance reports. As a rule, such information is listed in a special RegTech directory where the experts can help provide the exact information that your sector requires. It doesn’t have to be overly complex because accessibility is the key. It is also necessary to get your school or any other educational institution listed, which will help you stay aware of all the changes that must be addressed. 

#7 Keeping Things Constantly Updated

As things are constantly changing, keep researching compliance standards and talk to experts in various countries to compare legislation. It will also help you to see how to approach online education and avoid the risks. For example, if you are planning to use any new digital tools. It will be vital to explore the Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit (HECVAT) and learn how to secure your planned apps. Once you have sufficient new app licensing, it will make the learners and educators safe since you can provide relevant compliance reports.

Don’t Ignore Good Compliance In Online Education Examples

Even though you will require trained experts to get your compliance reports, it is also good to study various examples of online education. You can start with online courses like Coursera or Khan Academy, where you can approach online education from all the possible angles. Start collecting information and see what kind of licenses and rules are listed to follow unified marketing and educational standards. While this field of education is still new, exploring available options will help find similarities and major differences as you get your compliance analysis right.

Nicole Garrison

As an educator, business consultant, and content contributor, Nicole explores online learning and marketing standards that relate to online education and technology. As a way to keep her skills fresh, she provides professional assistance by helping students deliver the best essays that meet academic standards and compliance with integrity rules. Striving for innovations, Nicole is an explorer who aims to make complex things simple. 

Lavanya Rathnam

Lavanya Rathnam is an experienced technology, finance, and compliance writer. She combines her keen understanding of regulatory frameworks and industry best practices with exemplary writing skills to communicate complex concepts of Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) in clear and accessible language. Lavanya specializes in creating informative and engaging content that educates and empowers readers to make informed decisions. She also works with different companies in the Web 3.0, blockchain, fintech, and EV industries to assess their products’ compliance with evolving regulations and standards.

Posted in IT Compliance

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