Keesing Technologies launches unique industry platform

Keesing Technologies, the leading global identity verification provider, announces the launch of Keesing Platform: the new online information source for and by anyone involved in the security document and identity management industry. The platform will replace one of the world’s most renowned magazines of the industry; the Keesing Journal of Documents & Identity (KJD&I). Keesing Platform is available via

Keesing Platform will be the online source for prominent, daily news and thoughtleading information written for and by anyone involved in the identity management and security document industry. The platform covers industry-related content about the printing, design and issuance of security documents, such as ID documents and banknotes, identity verification solutions, identity management, border control, REAL ID, digital identity, biometrics, fraud prevention and industry events. The new media source will be unique in its kind, bringing together and connecting all different players from the industry offering them the perfect platform to discuss trending industry topics and share the latest news with their peers. According to the company, there currently is not such a platform available to the industry, where one can read, learn and contribute one’s knowledge.

For over 15 years, Keesing published print journals with readers and contributors from all over the world. The company published the first edition of the bi-monthly KJD&I in 2004. Keesing’s journal quickly gained a solid readership and the journal blossomed to a steady, global circulation of 3,000 copies per issue. With its semi-scientific in-depth articles, the journal has set a footprint in the industry of security documents. Over time – and especially the past few years – the journals quickly started to cover other relevant topics related to identity management, such as biometrics, authentication, identity proofing, blockchain, crypto technology and digital onboarding. Meanwhile, the demand for an online version was growing and existed for quite some time. To this end, the company bundled and digitized all KJD&I articles and took the chance to aim for a much larger audience with easy accessibility and a wide variety of relevant news items and articles; Keesing Platform. “To keep up with times and to be even more current, it was a logical step to go from a printed journal to an online way to reach our audience. We, therefore, developed Keesing Platform – YOUR TRUSTED INDUSTRY SOURCE – not only to satisfy our existing subscribers, but to reach practically anybody who is interested in the industry in the broadest sense”, says Mike Krechting, Managing Director of Keesing Technologies.

The last issue of the KJD&I will be published February 2020. The company is currently working on the  final edition of the journal’s Annual Report, one of the most popular issues of the year. Keesing held a neutral position in the industry with the journal and will continue doing so with this unique platform. Keesing Platform is free of charge in order to give anybody a chance to be part of it. The company very much encourages everyone involved in the industry to join the platform via and to take the opportunity to contribute to it. “Keesing will do our utmost to keep the platform up to date and attractive, and we trust the readers and contributors will help in making it a big success”, says Mike Krechting.

The company, that was founded in 1923, has earned an outstanding reputation in the field of banknote and ID document verification. For almost a century, the company has served organisations worldwide helping them to prevent fraud by offering easy-to-use verification solutions of the highest quality and training. “Building on our expertise and long-standing history we are uniquely positioned to manage this premium, global and free industry platform. I am really looking forward to welcoming our followers from today”, concludes Mike Krechting.

Lavanya Rathnam

Lavanya Rathnam is an experienced technology, finance, and compliance writer. She combines her keen understanding of regulatory frameworks and industry best practices with exemplary writing skills to communicate complex concepts of Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) in clear and accessible language. Lavanya specializes in creating informative and engaging content that educates and empowers readers to make informed decisions. She also works with different companies in the Web 3.0, blockchain, fintech, and EV industries to assess their products’ compliance with evolving regulations and standards.

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